1. drmaa2_jarray_release(3)
  2. DRMAA2
  3. drmaa2_jarray_release(3)


drmaa2_jarray_release - drmaa2_jarray_release(3), Releases jobs in array from hold state.


#include "drmaa2.h"

drmaa2_error drmaa2_jarray_suspend(drmaa2_jarray jarray);


A drmaa2_jarray is the equivalent of an Univa(R) Grid Engine(TM) array job. It consists of several single drmaa2_j jobs. This function removes the hold state from all jobs in array job, i.e. all DRMAA2 jobs which were in hold state are allowed to be scheduled.

This call is asynchronous in a way that after performing the action the result might be not immediately visible through job monitoring.


Returns an error id in case something went wrong otherwise DRMAA2_SUCCESS is returned. In case of an error the error description is set in the context of the calling thread. The error description can be fetched with the drmaa2_lasterror_text(3) call.


/* ... ja is the array job which was returned by drmaa2_jsession_run_bulk_jobs() ... */

if (DRMAA2_SUCCESS == drmaa2_jarray_release(ja)) {
   printf("Releases the hold state of jobs of job array which are in hold state...\n");


drmaa2_jarray_free(3), drmaa2_jarray_get_job_template(3), drmaa2_jarray_get_session_name(3), drmaa2_jarray_get_id(3), drmaa2_jsession_get_contact(3), drmaa2_jsession_get_job_array(3), drmaa2_jsession_run_job(3), drmaa2_jsession_run_bulk_jobs(3), drmaa2_jsession_wait_any_started(3), drmaa2_jsession_wait_any_terminated(3), drmaa2_open_jsession(3), drmaa2_list_get(3), drmaa2_list_size(3), drmaa2_list_free(3)

  1. Univa Corporation
  2. October 2013
  3. drmaa2_jarray_release(3)